SpiegelGroep has already proven itself amongst various progressive leaders and their organisations. Let us look in the rear-view mirror, at a selection of mirror experiences.
A big thank you and praise for these and all other clients, because mirroring can only be done on a basis of vulnerability, guts and pluck!
External Mirror (SpiegelBuiten)
An inspiring CEO dreamed of doubling the turnover on the Dutch food retail market and of breaking open a channel that was virtually new to his organisation. For both issues, SpiegelGroep facilitated the process of ‘thinking big’ and ‘writing small’. For both growth plans, this resulted in a number of scenarios, after which two External Mirror groups were put up. On the mirror evenings in question, a total of twelve external peers sat around the table to share relevant experiences. The outcome facilitated the choices and priorities. Also, subjects and approaches that had previously been ‘written off’, were put against a new, practicable light of day. Involving the most important internal stakeholders in the process led not only to a rich strategy, but also to an acceleration in terms of execution and results.
Leaders organise challenges.
External Mirror (SpiegelBuiten)
An energetic entrepreneur with two stores in the Food retail sector wished to become world champion in a specific segment of a consolidating market. Despite having a good management team, he often stood alone. SpiegelGroep provided for challenges based on its own commercial knowledge and prompted him to focus and phase. Intended as a gate to an External Mirror group, a lot of energy and actual opportunities emerged during the process, which is why it was decided to take action immediately, and not without success. An External Mirror group will be asked for reflection for the next phase of the plan at a later stage. In this case, the right attention and focus on a limited number of goals made an immediate difference.
Winners make choices.
Internal Mirror (SpiegelBinnen)
An ambitious director of a fast-growing ICT organisation was looking for momentum to take his business to the next growth phase. Following an inspiring acquaintance with the managers involved, a concise plan format forced the eight business units to think about the four things that make a difference on the market. Every business unit manager was initially given the mirror during a 1-to-1 Mirror Me session. This was followed by two Internal Mirror sessions for each business unit, during which the plans were enriched and committed by fellow-managers and stakeholders from various staff departments such as Finance, Human Resources and Service Management. Individuals and teams were prompted into action, and finally they held the discussions they should have held a long time ago. All plans were subsequently presented within the company multiple times. After three months, SpiegelGroep tested all individual business unit managers for progress of their four priorities and then allowed the team to discuss the outcomes. Time and attention for a simple plan generated energy, results and joy.
Leaders invest in time.
Mirror Me (SpiegelMij)
Following completion of a strategic Internal Mirror process with multiple teams, SpiegelGroep helped three managers with the preparations of one of the outcomes for a period of six months. The integration of two business units for effectiveness, synergy and a more transparent supply of clients.
After completion of a commercial Internal Mirror process, SpiegelGroep gave two managers who bore final responsibility individual mirrors for a period of four months. Both managers wanted to speed up their personal growth using the best plan they had ever had.
(These) people make the difference.