SpiegelGroep is different and as such hard to define. That always leads to interesting and often useful questions.
Below you will find a selection of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that is not listed, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
How is an External Mirror group composed?
SpiegelGroep has an extensive network and is not afraid of asking anybody! Once the subjects that require the most enrichment are clear, we sit down together to draw up a ‘gross’ list of names. We then select six persons, a good mix of men and women, Entrepreneurs and Corporate Directors, often supplemented with a young ambitious person from the new generation.
How does SpiegelGroep deal with confidentiality?
SpiegelGroep believes in transparency. Participants in a Mirror group may have to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. However, SpiegelGroep’s best practices are with the motto “As open as possible and closed as need to be”.
What is the average completion time for an External Mirror group?
A determining factor is the timing of the mirror evening, the External Mirror group is invited approximately six weeks in advance. This has proven very successful, given the high level of availability of those invited. Depending on the point of departure, it at least also includes a number of meetings to prepare and finalise matters.
Is it difficult to form an External Mirror group?
On the contrary, once it has become clear what the real issues relate to, we sit down together to draw up a list of names. As each group is unique and everyone is asked only once, people show a great interest in sharing their experiences. It is also interesting to use the lessons learned by others for yourself.
Do participants in an External Mirror group receive a fee?
No, never. SpiegelGroep believes in transparency and the power of sharing. A fee is not the right incentive to get people around a table. SpiegelGroep is all about connecting, sharing and learning.
Can an Internal Mirror be applied in any organisation?
It can in effect be used in any type and size of organisation. If your business has more than five members of staff, there are internal connections to be made and ready knowledge to be activated. It becomes even more interesting when the organisation grows and with that the distance between disciplines. Internal Mirror stands for small groups around a table, and that is possible everywhere.
In what way does an Internal Mirror differ from the frequent meetings we already hold in our organisation?
No business is the same, but Internal Mirror excels in having discussions with the right people. Getting other departments involved is a very logical thing to do, but it does not happen often enough in practice. SpiegelGroep holds a strict control and it will move a discussion to the right time of the year if this is necessary.
What results can I expect from an Internal Mirror?
Four matters form an essential component of this approach. The first one is increasing everyone’s knowledge. The second one is a simple and, at the same time, richer plan. The third is interconnecting plans and strategies. The fourth is commitment plans and result areas. And not unimportant: participants always experience a lot of energy and they have fun!
What is the role of SpiegelGroep in terms of implementation?
SpiegelGroep has positive experiences with evaluation moments, as well as supporting individuals through business coaching, both in the form of individual Mirror Me sessions. In the latter case, SpiegelGroep helps to speed up the weakest link or an untouched talent.
Describe a typical Mirror Me Business Coaching process.
The central theme of the discussions is determined by the plan that’s on the table and the corresponding priorities. As the responsibilities serve as point of departure, an improved self-image and acknowledgement of one’s own role in the organisation soon leads to results.